My! It's been a while since I blogged. TIme to start again. Finally, gotten some time and pictures.
Have been trying to get my Belgium Flag block for the ICQ flag quilt done. I could fine any motifs of Belgium things to put on the block, so I've had to make them. That is taking longer than I expected. Still things are turning out well.
Here's pictures of what I've done so far.
The nekid block with the Belgium lace. |
It took a while to figure out how I wanted to piece together. I decided to piece in such a way that kept the flag design intact but still was a crazy quilt block. This designed worked the best for me.
Adding the lace was another problem since the only samples I found were rather wide. Fortunately this was not a tiny block.
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This is what I've gotten to so far. The Belgium Draft horse Is the first embroidery I've done. It was embroidered on a piece of muslin using pearl cotton. Then it was cut out and appliqued on - another new experience. Managed to stuff some wool felt scraps behind the applique so he really looks 3D.
The poppies are wool felt and red poppy buttons. They turned out well. They are the Belgium national flower.
The upper right corner has a Gilles feathered hat that is typical of the Carnival de Binche
in Wallonia. I thought they looked cool. I used a very fluffy yarn to get the tall feathered look.
Also managed to get the heraldic lion of Belgium on the block. He turned out much better than I expected.
Close-up of my Belgium Draft horse embroidery with a red poppy flower behind him. |
Heraldic Lion for Belgium |
A Feather Gilles hat from a Wallonian MardiGras festival - the Carnival of de Binche |
Carnival of de Binche characters. The one in the big white feathered hat is a Gilles |
Red Poppies - the national flower of Belgium - made famous in Flanders Fields | | | |
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I decided to add a seam modification off of the Belgium lace to break up the line a bit. |